Program Mission

Our Mission aligns with the Department of Medicine at Harbor-UCLA to promote and strengthen the core values of equity, inclusivity and justice in healthcare and academia. The Divisions of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center are dedicated to providing the highest quality in clinical service, promoting excellence in clinical training, conducting innovative basic and applied research, and developing breakthrough approaches to meet emerging challenges in infectious diseases.

History and Overview

The Division of Adult Infectious Diseases at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center was established in 1970. Historically, our Division has focused on consultative service for the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in the broad areas of Infectious Diseases, multi-drug resistant pathogens, and vaccines & immune therapies. The Divisional faculty hold appointments in the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. The Division is home to four Infectious Diseases fellows, numerous post-doctoral Ph.D. fellows, many international visiting scientists, research associates and technicians, and a highly efficient administrative staff.

The Division of HIV Medicine was established in 2001. The HIV faculty have led the mission of the HIV program in providing clinical services, training, and research in HIV medicine. The Division provides in-patient HIV consultative services for patients at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and works as part of an amazing multidisciplinary outpatient team providing care to over 1000 patients living with HIV at the Harbor-UCLA campus and the Long Beach Comprehensive Health Center. Research in the Division of HIV Medicine has been, and continues to be, involved in a vast array of clinical trials or cohorts that focus primarily on clinical and pathogenesis-based studies for prevention and management of HIV infection. The Division includes nurse practitioners, case managers, dietitian, and social worker expertise. The research staff includes investigators, coordinators, research assistants, and a wonderful administrative staff.

Institutional Setting

The clinical service, training & research environment at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and the UCLA Center for Health Sciences encompasses investigators in nearly every discipline of medicine and biomedical research. The Harbor-UCLA Medical Center campus is the original site of the UCLA School of Medicine, and is a landmark UCLA teaching hospital. Harbor-UCLA is one of three safety net hospitals in Los Angeles County, the second largest municipal system in the United States. It is a Level I Trauma Center and specializes in the County as one of the primary sites for renal transplantation, orthopedic procedures, neurosurgery, and cardiothoracic surgery.  Over 750,000 visits annually occur in the DHS network regardless of the ability to pay or resident status.  The Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and its research institution, the Lundquist Institute, collectively support an environment for basic, translational, and clinical investigations.